QW-BP1 | HTML | Using h1-h6 to identify headings |
QW-BP2 | HTML | Concise images alt text |
QW-BP3 | HTML | Link element with text content equal to the content of the title attribute |
QW-BP4 | HTML | Grouped links not within a nav element |
QW-BP5 | HTML | Using table elements inside other table elements |
QW-BP6 | HTML | title element is not too long (64 characters) |
QW-BP7 | HTML | Title element contains ASCII-art |
QW-BP8 | HTML | Headings with images should have an accessible name |
QW-BP9 | HTML | Table element without header cells has a caption |
QW-BP10 | HTML | HTML elements are used to control visual presentation of content |
QW-BP11 | HTML | Using br to make a list |
QW-BP12 | HTML | Using scope col and row |
QW-BP13 | HTML | Using consecutive links with the same href and one contains an image |
QW-BP14 | CSS | At least one container's width has been specified using values expressed in px |
QW-BP15 | CSS | At least one width attribute of an HTML element is expressed in absolute values |
QW-BP17 | HTML | Adding a link at the beginning of a block of repeated content to go to the end of the block |
QW-BP18 | CSS | Using percentage values in CSS for container sizes |